Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Bottle Cap Table Top

Happy November! I just realized that I haven't posted since the start of the month, and I figured that I might as well now while it's on my mind! I have an insane amount of work coming up for school and I'm having a hard time keeping my head wrapped around it all. But then again, the light at the end of tunnel shines brighter every time I realize that it's actually November... which means 1 month (and a bit) until first semester is OVER! For some reason, I'm imaging it as being the happiest day of my 19 years of life. Every day I find myself thinking more and more about Christmas break... it will be the highlight of my 2010. What an exciting life I lead.

The DIY project that I've chosen to share today is something that I've just discovered and have fallen in love with. I especially find it very appropriate for university students - it's a bottle cap table top. Number one, I'm sure a lot of university students with new apartments could use a way to jazz up some of their cheap furniture, and number 2, who better than a university student to round up and obnoxious collection of bottle caps? It couldn't be more suitable. 

I haven't made one myself, but what I can say is that it looks easy enough, and I do intend on making one soon! 

All you need:

  • A large collection of bottle caps
  • A coffee table (supposing you already have one, and if not I'm sure you could just use some wood and place it on a box)
  • Aluminum foil
  • Duct tape
  • Resin
  • Glue gun (and glue sticks)
... for a total project price of about (assuming that you didn't account for the costs to acquire the bottle caps ;) ) $20.00. It's a super cheap project and the end product is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.

Step 1: Lay out your design on the table top. You can make your design really simple by using all of the same type of bottle cap, or you can make a colourful design using bottle caps for different types of products. Your table, your preference. It also might be easiest to make a border first and then proceeding to fill in the table.

Step 2: Once you are please with your design, take the hot glue gun and glue the bottle caps to the table. 

Step 3: Once all of the bottle caps are glued down, if you wish you can cover the edge(s) of the table with painter's tape to ensure that no resin will drip and dry on the sides. 

Step 4: If you table doesn't have a rim, then you must create a way to keep the resin at a depth that will cover the bottle caps without running off the side. To do this, cut strips of aluminum foil that are about 3" wide. Then, carefully duct tape the strips of foil along the edges of the table, keeping it as straight as possible. 

Step 5:  Cover the entire table top by pouring resin on to it. You may need a paint brush (you can also use a stiff plastic card) to fill in the cracks between the bottle caps and along the edges. The resin will level itself out, but it is important to make sure that you have enough to fill to gaps and even out any high areas. 

Step 6: Make sure that the table is away from anything that can get stuck to it, such as dust or hair. Let the table dry. This will take about 7 to 8 hours. 

Step 7: After the resin is completely set and dry, carefully peel the tape and the foil away. If the foil was kept relatively smoth and the tape was not touching the resin, then this process should be easy. If some pieces are tricky to remove, use a utility knife. 

Link to original project: Bottle Cap Table Top

1 comment:

  1. Lovely. I have no words to say that how beautiful use you have made of bottle caps for the designing of the table top. Every thing i.e the color combination, design etc. all are perfect.
