Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Screen Printing

I'm sorry that I lied. I promised that I would write the mystery craft post during my trip home to New Brunswick over Thanksgiving, but clearly that never happened. I have good reasoning for not getting it done though... I promise!
1) The free Wi-fi on the bus was absolutely horrible so writing a blog post wasn't really an option
2) When I got home to New Brunswick I was way too excited and occupied to even think about writing a post
3) When I got back to Montreal, I had an overload of studying and catching up to do

So here I am now, finally writing this post.

The mysterious DIY project is screen printing! If you were able to guess it, congrats! If not, well... I don't blame you. If I'd never screen printed before, I would have no idea what was going on in that photo!

As I promised, screen printing is a really fun and easy project for everyone! Basically, it's a homemade method to get your own designs on to fabric or canvas. You can design t-shirts, sweaters, jersey, blankets, pillows, etc. Personally, I think that screen printing is most fun for making clothes, because it's a cheap way to get exactly what you want. You are your own designer!

The materials required for screen printing aren't anything too expensive, and once you have them, you can use them for various projects!

All you need:
  • Sheer fabric
  • Wooden picture frame (you can make yourself)
  • Stapler 
  • Mod Podge
  • Paintbrushes
  • Pencil
  • Personal Design
  • Fabric ink 
  • Squeegee
...for an total project cost of about $40.00. This is my most expensive project yet, but keep in mind that once you have these supplies, they last for a long time and end up saving you a lot of money on graphic clothing! This project is completed in 6 simple steps and is a lot of fun!

Step 1: Lay a piece of sheer fabric, such as tulle or nylon-blend, on a flat surface. Centre your wooden frame on top of the fabric. Cut the fabric around the frame, leaving enough slack so that you can pull the fabric over the frame's edge. You can either choose to staple your fabric to the inside edge of the frame, or use Mod Podge to glue the fabric down. Secure the fabric around the frame on every side, and then trim the excess fabric. 

Step 2: Flip the frame over so that the screen faces up. Apply glue to the edges of the frame and to about an inch banner of the actual screen to seal the edges, and to make sure that no ink leaks out. Let dry. 

Step 3: Create a design by printing clip art or by drawing your own picture on paper. Set the design on your work surface, and position the screen facedown on top. Lightly trace the design using a soft lead pencil (make sure not to rip the fabric). NOTE: do not worry if you're printing words and they appear backward when you look at the screen face-up; they will read correctly when you're done.

Step 4: When you are done tracing your design, flip the frame over so the screen is facing up. Brush Mod Podge onto the areas of your design that you don't want to be printed. Let dry. Once dried, check for small holes by holding the screen up to the light. Any place where light shines through will be printed. Fill in unwanted holes if necessary. 

Step 5: Place the item to be screen printed on a level work surface and smooth or iron out wrinkles. Position the frame facedown on top of the item in the position that you wish it to be printed. Pour a strip of ink along the upper side of the screen above the pattern, NOT on the pattern.

Step 6: Pull the ink down the screen with a squeegee held at a 45-degree angle (approximately). Lift the screen gently and slowly, and let the ink dry. Gently rinse the screen with tap water. Don't use any soap of scrubbing tools. Let the screen air-dry so that you can reuse it ask much as you wish!

I've screen printed before, and was extremely pleased with the outcome! Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of my completed project, but I will take a picture and upload it as soon as I have the time (or remember). If you're looking to make a t-shirt for a concert, a school event, a committee or club, or just for personal pleasure, screen printing is a cheap alternative to having them made or buying them at a store. There's also the plus of getting exactly what you want, and not having to search for that item that you have in mind but just can't seem to find.

Link to original project: Screen Printing

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