Friday, 30 September 2011

DIY Canvas Silhouettes

As a university student, nothing makes me happier than pushing my penny to the limit! That's why I love crafting and DIY projects - you end up getting what you want at a fraction of the cost. The thought of making things on your own and passing up the convenience of simply buying them may seem daunting, but what most don't realize is that crafting is fun and easy! Plus, you get to have the satisfaction of knowing that you made it yourself... I know that it sounds cheesy, but it's true. If you've ever had someone ask you where you bought something and have gotten to answer "I made it!", then you know what I'm talking about! If you haven't, I hope that my blog inspires you to try some of your own DIY projects! 

Since this is my first post, I thought it only appropriate for the DIY project to be my most recent craft! This summer, I made silhouette paintings for my parents, and they absolutely loved them! At the moment, I'm making silhouettes of my roommates and I for our dining room wall. I am a sucker for DIY home decor projects. Now that I've got my own apartment, I realize how expensive it is to decorate! This is a super quick and easy project and it is a cheap alternative to dressing-up empty wall space.

All you need:
  • A Square Canvas (You can get at Walmart for $7)
  • Acrylic Paint (You can get at the Dollarama!)
  • Oracal Vinyl (I used poster board instead)
  • Foam Brush (You can get at the Dollaram)
...for a total project price of $10.50

Fun and easy silhouettes!

Link to full project: 

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